Finding Your Soulmate: A Spiritual Guide to Finding True Love

Najim Mostamand
9 min readApr 21, 2023

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Your soulmate is closer to you than you imagine, but will you do the spiritual work necessary to find your true love? Photo by Văn Thắng

I will never forget the moment I met my soulmate Aliya.

Today, she is thankfully my wife and the mother of my child, but there was a time in my life where I wasn’t sure if I would ever find my soulmate.

It’s not like I never tried. I always wanted to find love and to be in love, but nothing I was doing ever seemed to work.

That is, until I experienced a profound spiritual awakening a few years ago, which helped me reexamine how I thought about love, relationships, and soulmates.

Up until that point, I thought spirituality was separate from love. In fact, there was even a period where I thought that love distracted us from growing spiritually.

But I eventually learned that true love can actually help us grow spiritually. And vice versa, being spiritual can help us find true love.

Spirituality is not separate from love. In fact, being spiritual can actually help us find true love. Photo by

So, thank you for taking some time out of your busy day to read this post on finding your soulmate.



Najim Mostamand

Najim is a spiritual teacher, writer, poet and inspirational speaker helping people awaken their Soul and achieve inner peace by reuniting with their Source.