From Chaos to Serenity: Cultivating Spiritual Growth in a Busy Life

Najim Mostamand
8 min readAug 18, 2023


Click Here to Watch the Spiritual Teaching Video

Do you feel like you are always busy and never have enough time to pursue spiritual growth?

If so, you are definitely not alone.

Millions of people are in the exact same boat as you are, including me sometimes.

With an amazing family and a full-time career, life definitely gets busy from time to time, giving me the false impression that my spiritual growth has to take a pause or backseat.

But what I’m about to share with you in this video is that you don’t have to let your spirituality take a back seat.

In fact, there are ways that you can find serenity in even the most chaotic moments and periods of your life, and we will go over some practical tips and insights on how exactly you can do this.

For starters, we need to spend time upfront to evaluate the things that actually make us busy and determine whether they are really essential in our lives.

For example, no one is suggesting that you quit your job or stop spending time with your family. But maybe you don’t need to spend hours watching TV or scrolling through social media for the next viral video or trend.

In order to truly grow spiritually while living a busy life, we must first evaluate and understand all the things and distractions that currently take up our time.

Time is an incredibly precious resource, and you’ll be amazed at how much time you really have to dedicate to your spiritual growth once you actually sit down and write or think about all the different things that take up your time.

In fact, when people say they’re busy what they usually mean is that they don’t think a particular activity deserves their time.

The truth is, we all have time for something. But it’s all about how important that something is to us.

If maintaining a balance in your life is really important to you, then you will find every opportunity to work on that, even if it’s just five minutes a day.

For example, I spend a lot of time writing these posts and making YouTube videos. But on the flip side, I really enjoy what I do and find myself growing spiritually in the process. And so, I try to find every chance to make these posts and videos, even if I’m tired, exhausted or short on time.

The fact of the matter is that we can’t get rid of all our tasks and responsibilities, but we can minimize the distractions that don’t really serve us, and instead use that time to focus on our soul.

We all have many roles and responsibilities in life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t carve time for ourselves and our spiritual growth.

This brings me to the next point, which is understanding the value that you place on your spirituality in the first place.

If you’re not really sure why you should nurture your soul, then it’s going to be hard to keep up that practice, no matter how good you think it is for you.

I see this problem a lot with people wanting to work out or go on a diet for purely extrinsic reasons.

Their main motivation is often to look good for others or to get their approval, not to take care of themselves.

But the sad part is that many of these people don’t realize this, or if they do, they don’t think it’s a big issue.

However, when it comes to actually maintaining that diet or workout, they struggle to stay motivated, and eventually quit.

If this sounds like your approach to spirituality, then guess what? It won’t last either.

It’s hard enough to practice spirituality when you have plenty of free time, and it only gets harder the busier you become.

So, take the time to understand why you really want to pursue spiritual growth. And if it’s because you have a deep yearning to discover your true self and find inner peace, then let that motivation be front and center whenever you are busy, so that you never forget or neglect your spiritual practice.

In order to consistently practice your spiritual routine, you must first understand and fully accept why you want to grow spiritually in the first place.

Once you understand and internalize the real reasons why you want to grow spiritually, the next step is to accept the reality that you won’t always be able to carry out your spiritual practice in the way you want or expect.

This is something that I had to learn the hard way.

When I graduated college, I kind of just wanted to be a bum. I wanted to sit at home all day and meditate, read books, and do all the things that I thought would help me grow spiritually.

I didn’t want to do adult things like working a 9 to 5 job, paying bills, or saving up for a house.

And so, I easily became disappointed at all the times I spent doing these things, instead of appreciating them for what they really were: opportunities to grow spiritually.

You see, so many of us think that in order to grow spiritually, we must leave our ordinary life behind.

But the truth is that this only applies to a very small amount of people. For the rest of us, spirituality can be found in even the most mundane and ordinary of activities.

Spirituality can be practiced and experienced in even the most ordinary moments of our life, like getting groceries or driving around town.

In fact, I have met and seen people who live such quiet and normal lives, but who are so advanced spiritually compared to those who have spent years reading books and living in isolation.

I’m not saying one lifestyle is better than the other, but if you’re not the type to leave everything behind to live in the mountains, then know that it’s perfectly fine to carry out your daily responsibilities and still balance your spirituality.

When you change your perspective to see everything as a spiritual experience, you will no longer be bothered by sitting in traffic, having to work on the weekend, or doing something you really don’t enjoy.

Because no matter what situation you are in, peace and serenity are always yours.

You have the choice to either grow or lose it, but you can’t blame your environment or situation for not letting you grow spiritually.

There are teachers and guides in the unlikeliest of situations. There are lessons in every corner of life. And most importantly, there is God in every moment of your existence.

If you can remember this, then you will no longer view spirituality as separate from your life, but rather as life itself.

Spirituality is not separate from life. It is life.

Now, up until this point, we have just mostly discussed changes to our thoughts and perspectives to help us grow spiritually. But what about the actual practices themselves? What should we really focus on?

This is where things become a little more individualized, because everyone resonates with a different practice or activity.

Some people like to read books, others like to meditate, while others might enjoy being in nature.

There is no right or wrong activity, as long as the experience itself leads you inward.

Some people, like myself, might not read a ton of books, because we find it just produces more thoughts and we prefer silence instead. Others, however, might enjoy learning through a structure or with the guidance of someone who is already down that path.

Both options are perfectly fine, but it’s a matter of choosing what’s right for you. What will actually resonate with your soul?

Because if you haven’t figured it out by now, your soul is like your north star or compass. When you get to a level of deep awareness and introspection, you’ll find that your soul is actually telling you what to do.

You no longer have to rely on your chaotic mind all the time. Instead, there is this quiet, but wise, voice gently guiding you in whatever direction you need to go.

If we turn our attention inward, we’ll find that our soul is actually guiding us in every step of our life.

Learn to trust this voice, and you will see your spirituality reach new heights.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how you carry out your spiritual practice, as long as you just do it.

I know some of you might want me to instruct you to meditate more or eat less, for example. But such prescriptive one-size-fits-all guidance doesn’t do justice to what each of you specifically resonate with.

Rather, I invite you to discover what practices actually resonate with you.

Because although I can’t tell you to read this book or practice that asana, what I can tell you is that each of these activities should help you travel deeper and deeper into your soul.

You shouldn’t be doing them just for the sake of doing them. Rather, they should be a part of your daily practice to unveil the illusions and distractions that prevent you from seeing the reality of all things — that prevent you from connecting with God.

That is when you know whether a particular activity or practice is right for you or not.

The actual spiritual practice itself does not matter as much as how focused and mindful you are when you perform it.

And when you are able to understand the activities or practices that are right for you, you then can allocate your time effectively to those activities.

In other words, if you enjoy reading, but love meditation more, perhaps you might restructure your day to include a longer meditation and then read later if there is time available.

It is true, there are only so many hours in the day. But it’s also true that we have more time than we think we do.

It’s all about evaluating how our time is spent, understanding the value of spirituality in our lives, accepting the limitations of time, and finding spirituality in everyday life.

If we can do these things, then we will be able to nurture our souls even when we live a busy life.

I, myself, have arguably never been busier than perhaps the last few months, and yet I feel so at peace and fulfilled spiritually, because I make the conscious effort to let my spirituality permeate every moment of my life.

I find myself resisting the natural flow of life less and less, and although I still have a long way to go, I am truly blessed to be in this position right now, taking care of my soul while also taking care of my daily responsibilities.

And I hope that after reading this, you are now inspired to follow a similar path and make spirituality the essence of your life rather than just a part of your life.

Because as you continue to travel down this path, you will realize that there is nothing more important in this world than discovering your true self and connecting with God.

Nothing and no one would be here if it wasn’t for God, and so we need to make God the absolute priority in every single day we live.

If we can do this, then even our busy days can become our peaceful days.



Najim Mostamand
Najim Mostamand

Written by Najim Mostamand

Najim is a spiritual teacher, writer, poet and inspirational speaker helping people awaken their Soul and achieve inner peace by reuniting with their Source.

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